Paraguay detains Syrian man carrying Greek passport

ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) — Paraguay has detained a Syrian man who tried to enter the South American country carrying a Greek passport, the immigration office said on Tuesday.

The office said that he had worked in Turkey for over a year and then traveled to Paraguay on his way to Honduras and then London as his final destination. He will remain in custody while Interpol investigates his record.

Officials say the name on his Greek passport is Antonios Kallinteris. No other names have been disclosed.

Paraguay’s commission on refugees says 24 Syrian citizens have arrived as refugees since 2011 and 31 more are seeking that status.

More than 4 million Syrians have fled the country since civil war broke out in 2011, according to the United Nations.


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Ronald K. Noble is the founder of RKN Global and currently serves as one of its principal consultants.